Gmail motion- taking the computer into the real world
By Adam Steele | BusinessSo what is Gmail Motion anyway ? Google and Gmail recently announced their new concept for “interactive email” called “Gmail motion.” The concept uses your computers web cam and Google’s patented special tracking technology to read your physical movements and translate them into on-computer commands. As we’ve been discussing in my blog, taking body language and translating
Google +1, One More Step to Search Engine Quality Control
By Adam Steele | Google Algo, Search Engine OptimizationWhat is Google +1 ? Google recently announced a new system for users to vote on their favorite search rankings, the Google +1 button. Taking the idea from Facebook’s “like” button, where users can “like” a website or an article, Google is considering adding a little +1 next to each of their search results so
Google Places Bugs & Glitches | All-Time High
By Alex Cross | Google Algo, Google Places, Local SEOSeveral weeks ago I wrote about some of the bugs that have plaguing Google places lately. At the end of that post I optimistically predicted that they would have it all fixed within days- I mean c’mon, it’s GOOGLE, right?! But today, over a month later, the situation over at Google is worse than
5 Common Blogging Mistakes You should Avoid
By Adam Steele | Marketing, Search Engine OptimizationAs internet marketers many of us maintain blogs in order to appeal to our target audience as well as to the search engines. We certainly love what we’re writing about, but we’re also hoping that our hard work will be rewarded with increased sales and a better standing in the search engines. Therefore it’s important
Common Sticking Points to Success
By Adam Steele | BusinessFor those of us who have started an online business the dream of making it on our own is at the forefront of our desires. We wake up every morning full of ideas about how we can make our business successful and we spend our days eagerly working towards our goals. But while on the