How to recover from Panda update ?
Google Algo | 2 May 2011
Google launched a new update to its algorithm code named Panda on Feb 24 in the United States and on April 11 worldwide and there has been fear and loathing among webmasters over the way it has affected Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS) of millions of websites.
Google’s main motto with the update was to crush content farms, content scrapers and websites providing low quality content but unfortunately some legit websites also got in between this cat fight and if your blog is one of the victims of this update please don’t worry. With a little bit of patience and effort you can easily recover from the effect of Panda update and earn Google’s heart back.
First and foremost you need to understand that although your website might not be a content farm of any kind and doesn’t scrape content, but due to indexing of unnecessary tags, navigational pages and categories, a duplicate content scenario might have occurred.
Follow these steps to recover your website from Google Panda update
Step 1:
Restrict all the unnecessary stuff from being indexed. Do this by tweaking the Robots.txt file of your website.
we suggest you to use the following code in it
User-agent: *
Step 2:
Remove all the thin content from your website,everything that is copied or is of low quality ( less than 200 words). The best way to do this is to NO INDEX them…you can no index individual posts by using ROBOTS META plugin. By doing so, you can update the content quality and Re-index them.
You can also remove the posts that you don’t want your website to be associated with any longer. This can be accomplished by using the remove url option in the webmaster tools, but dont go crazy with it as Matt cuts warned that Google might look at this as abuse of the tool.
Step 3:
Check if you have a privacy policy and TOS page, if not add one.
Step 4:
Visit your webmastertools and fix all the http and crawl errors, if any.
Step 5:
You may want to check your website navigation…is a single post part of different categories? This might not necessarily create a problem but its better to be as clean as possible on all the factors that might hint at foul play.
Step 6:
You may want to reduce the number of Ads on the post pages, always make sure the content is >>> than ads on any page.
Thats it! Now give it some time and keep doing what you do. There is no need to be discouraged or lose hope.
Let me know if you have any questions : )
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I want to know, Is it possible to recover from Google Panda Update? I’ve read somewhere that it is NOT possible to recover from this update.
Hey Mahesh! Absolutely there is coming back. I know one blog owner who went from 50k/mo uniques to 25k and then 6 months later we was at 80k. His first step was to address on-site concerns, with a big focus on duplicate content caused by dated web dev practices. Next, he spent a lot of time focusing on the quality and length of his content. I am told he also got very serious about social influencers.
It’ll take time, but your best bet is to focus on user experience and the overall quality of everything you are doing.