The Online Marketing Company shenanigans.

Posts Tagged ‘Google Places Listing’

Google Places Pending Status Surprise

By Alex Cross | Google Places, Local SEO

Over the past few days I’ve received some inquiries about the “pending” message that has been showing up on many people’s Google Places accounts. The message goes something like this: “Pending – Being Reviewed. This listing needs to be reviewed further before appearing on Google. Please allow several weeks”. Several weeks!? That seems like a

Google Places|Part 2

By Adam Steele | Google Places, Lead Generation, The Creature

Four weeks after creating our thread and four weeks after taking our first order, those first clients started to get curious. Normally at this time we would have just or just about ranked the client. However, as usual, Google threw a curveball. The way the process works is we create a listing, submit the respective

Google Places | The Creature

By Adam Steele | Google Places, Lead Generation, The Creature

Google’s tireless efforts to put internet marketers in straight-jackets continues with their latest twists and turns added to Google Places. It was only a month ago I thought I finally had the drop on them. So, in 48 hours I built a mini business plan to ‘exploit’ this latest gap. During the time leading up