The Online Marketing Company shenanigans.

Archive | February, 2011

Realigning Your Happiness

By Adam Steele | Business

I had another sleepless night last night. It seems like no matter what I do the stress keeps creeping back in and preventing me from getting any real rest. I tried reading, playing some games on my Blackberry, I even took a stab at Soduku; but nothing seemed to quiet my mind. These thoughts about

Post Recession SMB Landscape

By Adam Steele | Business, Marketing

As we cross through the trough of the recent recession many entrepreneurs are making decisions with more skepticism than ever before. Granted, considering the turmoil that we have braced, said skepticism seems to be couple with optimism. Things must be done differently this time around. There is a growing sentiment that rapid innovation and new

The Facebook Algorithm: Edgerank

By Jackey Chan | Marketing

If you’re an avid user of Facebook you’ve probably wondered how they seem to always know what you want to read. Why do your friend’s comments appear on your wall when your comments are lost got me thinking. How exactly does Facebook decide what posts will show up where? And how can we as internet

Hosting Myths Debunked: Private vs Public

By Alex Cross | Basic SEO

Recently I had a client ask me if having his hosting on a private server versus a public server would make any difference to his rankings in Google. This has been a long debated argument in the online community, mostly centering on shared cloud servers and VPS, or Virtual Private Servers. The first thing to

The .co Boom

By Alex Cross | Business, Marketing

For those of us who make our living on the internet finding useful domain names is proving more and more difficult. As the .com era reaches its 25 year peak with over 90 million dot com’s registered, entrepreneurs are looking to branch out to avenues that are more feasible for their goals of short-tailed URL’s.

Video Marketing No Longer Just A Trend

By Adam Steele | Video Marketing

The job of an internet marketer in 2011 is a daunting one. You must allocate your time between researching the changing trends, implementing new techniques, and counting the mountains of cash in your closet…right. One can easily get overwhelmed with all the avenues beckoning your attention, and for most of us, we hardly have enough

Your Start Up – Getting Over The Hump

By Adam Steele | Business, Marketing

I had a very interesting conversation with a colleague the other day that really struck a chord. The two of us began our businesses around the same time and as a result, have had the fortune of bouncing start-up questions off each other, which have now transformed into more management and business direction chats. This