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How to setup a Facebook Fanpage ?

Social Media | 17 May 2011

How to Set Up a Facebook Fan Page


There is no doubt that Facebook pulls in significant amount of traffic, and having a Facebook Fan Page provides a social media presence for your business or organization. Check out our recent post why you should setup a Facebook Fanpage. While Facebook made some changes back in March for customizing Fan Pages, setting up a basic page is still a very simple process.

Before you get started, there are a few things to keep in mind. You must have a personal account in order to create a Fan Page. You will simply be the administrator of your page. When you choose the name of the page, make sure it is relevant to your organization.

Now, let’s get started on creating your facebook fan page

1. Go to

2. Here you will see different choices for your page. What you choose will depend on your organization. Choose one that is most appropriate and fill in all the relevant info (Category, Address, Phone).

3. Click “Get started” to create your page.

4. Add an image (maximum of 180 x 540 pixels) that represents your organization.

5. Click on the “info” tab to edit the basic information about your page.

You now have created a Facebook Fan page. NOTE: you will not be able to have a custom URL (without all the numbers) until you accumulate 25 fans.

Once you have created your page, post on your Wall before asking others to “like” your page. Be sure and complete all the information about your business, including a description, web address, mission, and more.

You can customize your page to make is more professional to your visitors. This will require iFrames applications, which sends visitors to a landing page instead of your Wall.

Your landing page can be a welcome page, which provides an introduction to your organization or business. The landing page can also take a direct marketing approach by having an email opt-in for newsletters, a free report, or any other updates you want to provide your fans.

Some key considerations:

  1. Post often and respond to your fans. The same rules apply to Facebook as your website or blog. It is important to keep your fans up to date about your business. Interact your fans when they ask questions or leave comments.
  2. When someone clicks the “like” button or shares your post, it will be displayed in that person’s news feed. This creates an automatic ‘viral’ effect.
  3. Place you Fan Page link everywhere. In order to accumulate fans, people have to know you have a page. Put a link on your website, blog, social media profile, newsletter, etc. Email people on your list, letting them know you created a Facebook page.
  4. Send updates to your fans. You can send a message to all your subscribers when you have updates about sales, new products, and events. Consider this carefully since it may be viewed as spam which could lead people to remove themselves as a fan.
  5. Find comparable fan pages and groups. You can attract more fans by looking for similar pages and posting short messages inviting people to visit your page. Remember, do not come across as a spammer.

    There is much more you can do with Facebook pages, but this gives you the foundation for getting your page set up. Please let me know if you have any questions : )

    Related posts:

    1. Why you should setup a Facebook Fan Page ?
    2. The Facebook Algorithm: Edgerank
    3. Facebook Cracks Down on Underage Users
    4. The Facebook Disconnect

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